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When you think about what it is you want in your life, what your dreams are, you are starting yourself down a path to joy and success. The challenge many of us face is that we do not know how to get from a dream to reality. We hold those dreams in front of us, hold them up as something we desire and strive for, but do not know the steps to make it part of our daily reality.

Collect phone numbers and email addresses from some of your fellow students in class. Get as many as you can and then sort out those that are the most responsible. You are actually creating an informal study group for each class and can readily draw on each other during times of frustration. In my own case, I would always get to class early on the first day and as people wandered into the room behind me, I would simply ask them if they wanted to be in a study group and we’d exchange phone numbers (it was the time before email even existed). By the time the first five or six people came into the room, I had a list of people I could turn to when I needed help and they had a list as well.

Next you have heard some of the horror stories of how much some owe on their help writing my paper loan, when finishing their studies. And to make it even worse, the graduate jobs are no longer out there. All professions are cutting back. So it means you’ll be taking that much longer to pay back what you owe on your student loan. But you don’t want this hanging over you for years. So you now start looking at the various options. That is how to reduce your student loan and ways to subsidise your student life.

Whatever decisions and choices you’ve made in your past; they have led you to this moment in your life. This is the moment when you can make a decision to change your life. You can create whatever you want out of your life. You can choose to continue down a destructive path; or you can choose to bring balance back. No one is forcing you to do anything you don’t want to do.

Another way to find them is by searching the Web. Punching student loan into a browser will reward you with hundreds of hits. With such a large market, it would be prudent to carefully weed many out. This will put the most dedicated shopper to the test, but canny shopping can save a student thousands in the long run.

A Local Park or Tourist Area (off-season). Young people often enjoy working in groups while sitting in the shade of a tree at a park. Here in Colorado Springs, many students find the peaceful atmosphere in Garden of the Gods conducive to individual studying in the shade of a huge red rock.

When we are off track to that plan, our life may or may not turn out OK. We may or may not gain happiness or success. But when we are on that Mission Blueprint – we are guaranteed success, provided we keep following the clues our Soul guides us with; and in the places where we are given great choice, that we make our decisions from the wisest aspect of ourselves with our happiness in mind – not pleasing others to the detriment of our own lives.

A real effort should be made to discover any problems that may be the cause of why a student is not doing or did not do as well as they should be able to do. It is important to figure out what is happening. Even a short down swing in grades can do permanent damage throughout a persons entire life. This can be the cause of people saying, “I didn’t do well in that subject in school so I avoid it.” Doing well in every area of studies will prevent this negative thinking.

You may be excited about the prospect of commencing study but give yourself the time and space to make your choice of distance study course. Even if you have found a course that you think is the right one, don’t rush into enrolling just because the deadline for enrolment happens to be next week.

While each one of us has different goals to fulfil and life to love, there is a common thread in our existence too. We are all here, experiencing life, to bring out the best possible potential from within us and share it with others. We are all here to be the best we can be, as individual human beings.

When chasing your education, keep in mind that, although student loans are available to assist with payments and costs associated with school, they add up in a hurry. It doesn’t take long before one finds that they are thousands of dollars in debt. Once there is more than one loan out, find out about student loans consolidation, so that everything can be combined. This will make it much easier to pay, will cost less in the long run and will provide the student with a little peace of mind.